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Welcome To The

Sacramento Ragtime Society


Ragtime is America’s first original music.  Known for its entrancing syncopated rhythms, it was popular from the late 1890s up to World War I.  Since the 1940s ragtime has enjoyed several revivals, with new performers, composers and listeners constantly joining in.

In 1982, the Sacramento Ragtime Society (SRS) was formed as a grass-roots effort to perform and promote Ragtime.  We're still gathering together on a monthly basis to play for each other and to share our love for this wonderful music. We now have over 180 members nationwide. In addition to our meetings, we publish a monthly newsletter providing a calendar of ragtime events throughout California.

We normally meet the last Sunday of every month from noon to 3:00.

Our current meetng location is the Straw Hat Pizza at 2929 Mather Field Road in Rancho Cordova.

Check Meetings for our meeting schedule.  Everyone is welcome at our monthly sessions and there is no charge to attend, however, by partaking of the available food and beverage service you will help to insure our continued welcome by the site's management.

Use the table of contents to the left to visit the other pages on our site for upcoming events, newsletter information, pictures of our activities, basic information on ragtime music, CD reviews, newsletter selected archives, recommended ragtime links and more.

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Sheet Music Cover-Maple Leaf Rag
Sheet Music Cover-Cleopatra Rag